
Dashboard UI, Website, Branding
AI-Driven Sentiment Analysis for Informed Investments
FinSent is a fintech application that offers a free-to-use financial sentiment analysis web portal. This portal automatically tracks sentiments expressed in financial reports and earnings calls of companies listed in the United States and Hong Kong. FinSent was developed to cater to investors' strong interest in business outlooks and the project team plans to introduce a sentiment score for forward-looking statements in the near future.
Through research and internal meetings, we found that many users struggle with understanding the provided information, navigating a misleading user interface, and finding adequate project information. Overall, we've developed ideas to align the style with other financial tools and highlight the unique features of FinSent.
↳Approach A
The main key feature of FinSent is to compare the companies' and industries' fundamental scores relative to growth rates on their earnings calls and financial reports. One of the main objectives was to provide a more diverse range of companies and industries for comparison. For example, if a user is looking at a comparison between Car Company A and Car Company B, we can assume that the next search option will be another Car Company or a related industry like oil, automobiles, and others. On the contrary, unless the user directly checks the detailed sentiment score on the earnings call or report page, we have found that the left dropdown menu is insufficient to find related companies and industries. When looking at a specific company, we changed the design to show related companies, the sectors with the most current search results or the highest scores, and assigns unique colors to each sector, allowing for free comparison and focused exploration within the dashboard.
↳Approach B
With the newly developed FinSent, we present visualized information illustrating how the sentiment score operates. In the past, FinSent displayed the average sentiment score of selected objects. Now, it shows how each sentence in published reports is scored by AI. Additionally, users can choose to view the average sentiment score from all of a company's reports, or from a specific report, providing a multi-layered, diverse information experience.
↳Approach C
Previously, the method to access FinSent involved navigating to the HKUST website and clicking a small link to reach the dashboard. Our team believed that FinSent could greatly benefit from branding and a dedicated landing page. This way, users could better understand the model's benefits and available features before using it. We developed a website to aid post-launch marketing efforts. This site, created using Figma and React, features a logo and landing page to better represent FinSent.
We've redesigned the FinSent dashboard to enhance usability, transitioning from a single-page to a multi-feature financial dashboard. The new layout includes features such as company comparisons, detailed scored reports, trending and relative performance, highest and lowest scored companies, keyword rankings, and interactive charts. All this is presented in a modern design with visualized information. The primary objective of FinSent remains the same: "How can investors make informed financial decisions based on the sentiment scores of companies and industries?" We hope this redesigned dashboard can add more value for our users.
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