Let's Dive

Let's Dive
Graphic Design, Marketing Design, Motion Design
Power of AI to empower teams to reclaim control of their meetings
Dive is a solution designed to address significant challenges faced by remote workers, with a particular focus on mitigating the issue of pointless, disorganized, or overly long virtual meetings that often leave participants feeling unproductive and disengaged. Utilizing the power of artificial intelligence, Dive helps teams regain control of their meetings, enabling them to be more productive and successful. Dive is committed to creating virtual spaces where everyone can be their authentic selves, engaging in meaningful and positive discussions. The overarching belief that drives Dive is that meetings should leave people feeling energized and inspired, rather than drained.
↳Marketing Design
At Dive, the primary task is to collaborate with the marketing team to create promotional and explanatory designs for use in blogs, emails, newsletters, and social media posts. I developed a design that emphasized the product's usability and aligned with the intended message. This experience provided valuable insight into the marketing team's work style, various marketing strategies, spirit of challenge, and the importance of collaboration as a designer.
↳Graphic Design
I created graphic design assets for Dive's renewed website. Although each page, section, and product feature differed, I utilized a consistent design language for clarity and user engagement. In order to keep the website current, I continually updated the graphic design assets to align with the constantly updated and growing product.
↳Motion Design
Beyond static design assets, we have created a more dynamic design. We pursued a design that explains the versatility of the product in a short time, makes it understandable, and makes users want to use it, using Jitter. My UI motion designs were mainly included in onboarding sessions, emails related to new feature updates, and landing pages. Showing a lot of information to the user in a short time was a challenge. While designing, I thought about what to include and what to remove to ensure that the message we wanted to convey was fully delivered to the users.
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